Rock the cradle

PHOTO PROMPT - © Jennifer Pendergast

I could sit , all my life, in this cradle of rocks – safe against  tempests and tides- Anchoring myself with an indescribable longing in the hollow of my heart . A longing to be held and to hold – to be buoyant even when weighed down.

But I was made for a purpose by a power greater than me. Cut down . Severed from roots that nourished me.  Planed and pounded.  Shaven and shaped . I need to find that purpose. Fulfil it. Sate that longing.

Will you help me? Yes? Great ! Just rock my boat!


I have been in a writing rut this past month. I do have a lot of excuses – valid ones- I think. Getting back on the writing boat wasn’t easy. Its amazing on how much rust the brain can collect in a few weeks.  Thanks to a gentle push I’m back in action.


This less than 100 word story (91 words) is written in response to the 100 word photo challenge  posted by Rochelle Wisoff-Field each week.  This week’s photo was provided by Jennifer Pendergast, who happens to be a master story-teller herself.

Click on the ‘blue frog’  below to read Jennifer’s, Rochelle’s and other amazing takes on the same photo prompt:

46 responses to “Rock the cradle

  1. Such a romantic boat! I really liked the tone of the narrator, and the cliché at the end! Loved it, actually!


  2. Oh I love the view of the boat.. to find a purpose only together with someone.


  3. Beautiful !!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. The boat said it so beautifully. She was in a rut (no pun intended) and then she refound her purpose. Yippee to that!


  5. Sweet tale, but deeper than it first appears.
    Very well done.


  6. Dear Ansumani,

    A different point of view. Nicely done.




  7. I believe we are all carved by the maker for a purpose. Sometimes it’s difficult to figure out exactly what that purpose is, but whether we know it or not we usually accomplish what we created to do. This story rocked my boat.

    I love that you used the word buoyant too 🙂


  8. If this is the rust in your brain, can you please give me a pinch or two? This is deep and beautiful. I think the boat has found her purpose in the first paragraph, she only needs to realize it.


  9. Well done for getting back into it


  10. I read this from a human’s point of view rather than the boat’s (which I picked up on in the comments) – I think it works just as well, using the boat as an analogy for what someone may be thinking about their life.


  11. Love this. POV of the boat and showing it cannot go it alone…


  12. Great job jumping back in the boat! “Rock my boat.” Love it. Nice piece.


  13. Lovely take on the prompt, the boats point of view! I know what you mean about rust and writing slumps … been there myself for awhile. Glad you’re overcoming the writing “blues” 😉


  14. Cool! I never talked to a boat before. Nicely done!


  15. i love the positive tone. great ending, too.


  16. This is wonderful! Ansumani, I loved it!


  17. That second paragraph sounds like a painful process, but I guess that is life, being molded into something useful. Nice piece.


  18. Loved the end statement.. Just Rock My boat… Gr8 one


  19. Well written, Ansumani. Lovely thoughts for a canoe. I guess that’s what one might think. I enjoyed this story. 🙂 — Suzanne


  20. Great canoe point of view. He was meant for a higher purpose. Hope his boat was rocked.


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