Of tongues and barbs

PHOTO PROMPT © Madison Woods

“ha ha . In your house ‘Shakti’ is dominant eh!?  The lady wears the pant eh! In my house ‘Shiva’ is  dominant! “, our male guest puffed up his chest.

My husband turned beet-red. The ‘pin-drop’ silence that followed –  a loud presence in my life.

That day I discovered a sub-species of the human male ,with dominant ‘obnoxious moron’ genes, who get emasculated whenever a woman displays intelligence. And another sub-species of intelligent-human-males who care about what such moron-sub-species-males thinks about them.

“If you love me… don’t say anything intelligent in front of guests”, my husband begged.

So I write.

— end—

Note:  I try  not to talk more intelligently than such moron-sub-species-male whenever I encounter them but it’s such a challenge that I give up after a while. I’m not being vain …it doesn’t take much to be more intelligent than such folks 🙂

Shakti – Feminine energy; Shiva – Masculine energy

This 99 word piece based on true life events was written for the 100 word photo challenge. More details about this challenge can be found at:  https://rochellewisofffields.wordpress.com/2016/04/20/22-april-2016/

PHOTO PROMPT © Madison Woods

Click on the Froggy below for other amazing takes on the same prompt by fellow “Friday Fictioneers.”

48 responses to “Of tongues and barbs

  1. Sometimes you have to dumb-down to fit the audience or biased perception of those in attendance. Here in the U.S., we have people from some parts of the country who think they are more intelligent simply because of the geographic location of their birth. I just play the dumb hillbilly card and outsmart them when they’re not looking.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I think you got your revenge there


    • Finding another avenue to express oneself naturally is hardly revenge Neil. But defaming such a character in a story …that comes close to revenge 🙂

      Thanks for reading.


  3. Oh dear this is the height of inequality.


  4. This is good. I’m from around the parts where this story takes place I think. The society is changing but it’s still a long long long way to the time where all these dumb people and there descendants has died out. 🙂


  5. the only man that likes his women stupid is a stupid man…


  6. This is so splendid… and playing dumb to make the dumber look smarter is something that women have had to do way too long… my wife has a PhD in Theoretical Physics, and she would never do it… if you are interested in a fascinating actress who was way way smarter than she had to play look up Hedy Lamarr…


    • Thanks Bjorn. I’m sure your wife woud never play dumb whether she has a PhD or not…some women are much stronger that way and having supporting family helps. I will look up Hedy Lamarr.


  7. Well written, a writer can always use words as barbs,


  8. This is soo common tho, in many places. A tragic state of affairs, that the ego needs to be pandered to. I love you bringing it into the light… We need more of that.


  9. truth hurts. he must be a man to take it. otherwise, no dinner for him. 🙂


  10. Heh, great story. A sad state of affairs but unfortunately quite prevalent. Of course, I would never act that way 😉


    • Thanks Ali. It’s mind-boggling how such a sorry state of affairs remains prevalent way into the 21st century. I’m sure you are quite the gentleman…we need more of the intelligent-who-don’t-care-what-morons-think species 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  11. I was MAD when I read the story!
    Do keep writing , yes, because you write so eloquently, but let no man stifle your physical voice.
    Sorry to be so vehement.
    (That stupid guest should never again be invited to your place. Also, tell your husband he should be unafraid of what the world thinks of his wife — he saw your true spirit, and chose to marry you. He should not forget that.)


    • ha ha Vijaya. Stay MAD and don’t be sorry for being vehement. Righteous anger serves a purpose when used constructively to change the world for the better.
      No, I don’t let anyone stifle my physical voice – man or woman – or let them police my tone.
      I wouldn’t stop inviting that stupid guest however…how else am I going to study these characters and write my next story 😉

      Liked by 1 person

  12. Ah, yes. The subspecies of the male known in the Greek as the “alpha” type. Pretty good writing there. Being from Kansas, I get thought of as someone who is closer to Dorothy from The Wizard Of Oz than a real person. Both Russell and I will tell you, there’s no one more dangerous than an educated “red neck.”


    • This “obnoxious moron” sub-species I discovered is an alpha-male-wannabe no way close to the true alpha male.
      I have been learning about these educatded “red-necks” today…not sure about the dangerous part though…seems like a fun bunch.

      Thanks for reading.


  13. To read this is painful. I hope your husband stops caring about what that kind of people think of him. I’m glad you found another outlet for your thoughts. The title is brilliant, as your stories usually are.


    • Thank you Gah! Everyone has different needs on societal acceptance and it’s their own journey to find the balance. This incident was very enlightning for me, more than painful, because it demonstrated how society works to control women. The price one has to pay for experience 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  14. Dear Ansumani,

    Women have been referred to as the “weaker sex.” But there’s nothing more fragile than the male ego. Well done. Keep writing.



    Liked by 1 person

  15. You know…..this idea of playing dumber than one is — I recall my high school days and even though I was in honors classes and very smart, trying to hide my intelligence when on a date —- or letting the guy win at the tennis match. Sadly, I think in many cultures, this idea of the young female subjegating her intelligence is something that still happens far too often. Although, in the U.S. there is now a Strong Girl movement afoot. My 8 year old grand daughter is in a Strong Girl club that is run by one of the teachers. 🙂 Ah — a word where we can meet others on our own footing….
    Great take on the photo. Keep writing indeed!


  16. A true man would never wish to have a “weak” woman… Well done, Ansumani!
    She may have CHOSEN to dumb down in front of others… note it is her choice…


  17. I would do just for the heck of it, to see them rattled!
    Thankful that in real life my hubby cares two hoots about who says what!
    He is proud to have an intelligent wife!
    Love him for it and pity the morons who don’t do likewise!


  18. You are proud of an intelligent daughter, but not a wife???

    Liked by 1 person

  19. Humorously written, but glad I could learn something new. Awesome job.


  20. Superb! I love this line, “The ‘pin-drop’ silence that followed – a loud presence in my life.” Says so much. Writing hopefully will save her from her dumbed-down, forced existence. So frustrating.


  21. Good story. I’m afraid both those men would be displeased with me. I was taught not to dumb down for anyone. I also had a daughter to raise and be a good example for. It would have made me physically ill if I’d had to teach her to “dumb herself down” to please men. If my husband had ever told me to dumb down for a guest, he would have experienced a slammed door. I have to be true to myself. It’s like being treated like a child who’s told they should be seen and not heard. That idea is about 100 or more years old. This story was well done, though. You’re writing is good. —- Suzanne


    • Suzanne,
      You are right…Not being able to be true to one’s own spirit causes a lot of conflict. If we try to suppress external conflict then that turns inward causing internal conflict and physical aches and pains.

      I was raised somewhat to dumb down – “what will people say when you speak your mind like this?” – was an oft repeated line when I was growing up. Trying to be myself without an supporting infrastructure has been painful at times but that has only made me more stronger and more determined.

      Thanks for reading 🙂


  22. Good he wears pants otherwise his insecurities would be exposed. Maybe next time such guests need to be re-educated.


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