Tag Archives: balanagamma


Thanks to Piya Singh for this week's photo prompt.

“…to kill the demon, who’s holding Princess Balanagamma captive, you need to cross seven oceans and seven mountains to reach a cave… there will be a parrot , in a golden cage, wring it’s neck to kill the demon…”, Grandma was telling us the Indian folk tale ‘Balanagamma’ for the thirtieth (maybe fortieth) time.

In the dark  her words spun  images of  distant forests and treacherous paths.  I wondered why mother never tells us bedtime stories.

The wheel of time turns.

“Again, Again!”, my children say.

Mother says…”Balanagamma was a beautiful princess…”

I wait my turn to tell the tale.

–end —

Some stories are best told by grandmothers.

This 100 word (true) story was written for the 100 word photo challenge. More details about this challenge can be found at:  https://rochellewisofffields.wordpress.com/2016/06/01/3-june-2016/

Thanks to Piya Singh for this week’s photo prompt.

Click on the Froggy below for other amazing takes on the same prompt by fellow “Friday Fictioneers.”