Tag Archives: humor

The psychic

PHOTO PROMPT - © Marie Gail Stratford

—– Newly married —–

“Where is it?”, the husband asks his mousy wife.

 “What is “it” ?”

“Don’t you know what I’m asking?”


” A good wife should anticipate the husband’s needs …read his mind”

Wife is speechless.

—- 5 years experience later —-

“Where is it?”, the husband asks.

 “Hallway closet”

“not there”

 “Check the bedroom closet”

“not there”

“Check the bathroom closet”

“Found it”

—- 10 years of experience later —-

“Where is it?”

“Must be where you left it last”

“I don’t see it there”

 “Look right in front of you”

“Found it”


“Mom, how do you know what’s “it” ?” .

Mother smiles enigmatically, “It’s a secret”

————– end ———–

This 100 word story  is written in response to the 100 word photo challenge  posted by Rochelle Wisoff-Field each week.  This week’s photo was provided by fellow Friday Fictioneer/ storyteller Marie Gail Stratford

Click on the ‘blue frog’  below to read other amazing takes on the same photo prompt: