The billion dollar bridge

PHOTO PROMPT © The Reclining Gentleman

No one would have blamed David and Dawood had they severed  their childhood friendship.  Their friendship survived terror attacks and fundamentalist governments.

They believed in their respective Gods. Although they must have believed more in  humanity , without even being aware of it. Good people, you can say.

They searched for the “Light” , righteously , as dictated by their respective religions, through charity and piety and humility.

David found it at the end of the tunnel- as an oncoming train.

Dawood found it on a billion dollar bridge – as trampling feet.

“Why?” , they cried . The benignly indiscriminating light shone mercilessly in response.

————————– end ——————————-

The above story is my attempt to make sense of the death of the 700+ Hajj victims – who were trying to in their own way to do the right thing by their faith by making a pilgrimage. And other such senseless and painful deaths that happen  apparently even to good people of all faiths.

Why?  Would we get an answer that we can understand, in this lifetime ?


This 100 word story  is written in response to the 100 word photo challenge  posted by Rochelle Wisoff-Field each week.  This week’s photo was provided by fellow Friday Fictioneer/ storyteller The Reclining Gentleman

Click on the ‘blue frog’  below to read other amazing takes on the same photo prompt:

26 responses to “The billion dollar bridge

  1. Beautifully written and very sad, what a tragedy


  2. When I read “trampling feet” I realised what you were referring to. Such a tragedy, and not the first time something like this has happened.


  3. Well written… Seems as if taht teh friends came to accept each other… but had a more difficult time accepting themselves?


    • Thanks…The friends accepted each other but were focused on their religion that they failed to realize that there were capable of rising above the boundaries of their religion and that there is more than one way of reaching ‘light’ than what their religion prescribes.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Dear Ansumani,

    The words ‘senseless tragedy’ come to mind. I don’t know that there’s ever a way to make sense of it. Well written story on several levels.




  5. Oh. those trampling feet, or the merciless slaying in accidents and murder.. indeed most dying are essentially good people independent of religion.


  6. There are no answers, I guess. Good topical story.


  7. Very well told topical tale. The horror of the Hajj tragedy is unimaginable.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. In the end we are all the same.


  9. “imagine there no heaven and no religion too” John Lennon
    Now that’s real paradise.


  10. It’s not often people of different faiths get along. Sometimes it’s even difficult for people of different denominations (or sects) within the same religion. It’s a shame that in trying to get closer to our God we get further away from each other.


    • Russell, Not just getting along with people with different faiths but being great friends was a way of life when I was growing up in India. My dad’s muslim friend went to Hajj regularly and came back with exotic chocolates for us when we were little. We not just co-existed with other religions but cherished their traditions too (the chocolates helped 🙂 ) But there seems to be a growing fundamentalism nowadays and it’s painful to see that secularism erode.


  11. I like the way you pose the question with the example of the two friends, very thoughtful. If I could answer I’d be rich. We all live, we all die. What’s in-between is what counts, IMO. The two friends seem to have done the best they could do, and no one can do more than that.


  12. this is deep. a story with a message. great job.


  13. The Hajj tragedy is almost unimaginable. I don’t like crowds for that reason. I do understand these people believe their religion requires this. There are sometimes stampedes at religious sites in India where many die. No one can explain other random accidental deaths. I just trust that one day it will all be explained. Well done, Ansumani. —- Suzanne


  14. The Hajj was so sad and should never have happened. I liked how your two friends remained friends and your line “Although they must have believe more in humanity…”


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